Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

In these Terms, unless otherwise defined, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below:

(1) “the Company” or “We” or “Our” or “Us” refers to the Sunbaeshop Company 

(2) “You” or “User” or refers to an individual or legal entity who has consented to our terms of use, has requested and consented to use of the service offered by the company, and has been accepted by Sunbaeshop as a User of the site.

(3) “Site” means the website and the contents accessible at the URL link www.sunbaeshop.com

(4) “Services” refers to all the services offered by us on the Site described in Section 2, Part 1 of these terms.

(5) “Shop” refers to the the space on our website showcasing items available for pre order described in Section 2, Part 1-C of these terms.

(6) “Shipping to Warehouse” or “Korean Address” refers to the service described in Section 2, Part 1-B of these terms.

(7) “Buying Service” refers to the service described in Section 2, Part 1-A of these terms.

(8) “Product” or “Shipment” or “Packages” refers to the goods, merchandise, freight, parcels or goods purchased by the Company or User on the on-line websites of merchants.

(9) “Terms” refers to the terms of use set out herein. 

By visiting our site and/ or purchasing something from the Company, you engage in our “Service” and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”, “Terms”), including those additional terms and conditions and policies referenced herein and/or available by hyperlink. These Terms of Service apply to all Users of the site, including without limitation Users who are browsers, vendors, customers, merchants, and/ or contributors of content.

Please read these Terms of Service carefully before accessing or using our website. By accessing or using any part of the site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, then you may not access the website or use any services. If these Terms of Service are considered an offer, acceptance is expressly limited to these Terms of Service.

Any new features or tools which are added to the current site shall also be subject to the Terms of Service. You can review the most current version of the Terms of Service at any time on this page. We reserve the right to update, change or replace any part of these Terms of Service by posting updates and/or changes to our website. It is your responsibility to check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to the website following the posting of any changes constitutes acceptance of those changes.

Membership Conditions

A person who wishes to become a User shall apply personally for membership via the Internet. If a User is a minor, the consent of the person having parental authority over the User shall be obtained prior to application for membership.

The procedure for registering a User shall be complete when the Company accepts the application described below. However, if the Company finds that the User falls into any of the following categories, the Company may not approve membership by the User or may cancel a previously approved membership.

(1) User is a minor and does not have the consent of the person having parental authority over him/her.

(2) User’s eligibility for membership has been voided due to past violation of these terms.

(3) User’s details submitted to the Company upon application are found to contain untrue or incorrect information or are incomplete.

(4) The User has failed to pay any amount owed to the Company.

(5) User obstructs the Company’s operations or provision of the Service or the seller’s or other third party’s use of the Service or commits an act that leads to such obstruction.

(6) The Company deems the User to be unsuitable for any other reason.

A User is responsible for managing his/her User ID and password that the Company grants to the User following User registration.

A User may not allow his/her User ID or password to be used by a third party or loan, transfer, sell, or pawn etc. his/her User ID or password to a third party.

A User shall be responsible for loss resulting from inadequate management of his/her User ID and password, malpractice during use of the said User ID and password, or use of the said User ID and password by a third party, and the Company shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever. Use of the Service with a User’s ID and password shall be regarded as use by that User and the User shall be fully responsible for such use.

If a User’s ID or password becomes known to a third party, or if it is suspected that a User’s ID or password has been used by a third party, the User shall immediately report such incident to the Company and shall obey any and all instructions given by the Company. If the Company suffers loss as a result of improper use of a User’s ID and password, the User shall compensate the Company for the said loss.

A User is obliged to periodically change his/her password, and the Company shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever for loss resulting from a User’s failure to do so.

Except when especially approved by the Company, a User’s ID and password will not be re-issued.

If there is any change to details that a User submitted to the Company upon application for membership, the User shall immediately report such change to the Company using the prescribed form.

Notifications from the Company dispatched to a User’s contact address noted in details registered with the Company shall be regarded as having been delivered to the User on the date on which a dispatch would normally be expected to arrive.

A User may withdraw membership by following the procedure prescribed by the Company.

If a User dies, the Company shall regard the said User as having withdrawn membership at the time of death and shall halt use of the User’s User ID and password.

Without limiting other remedies, we may limit User’s access to the Site, issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate User’s registration and refuse to provide the Services to User:

(1) When the User has improperly used or has allowed a third party to improperly use his/her User ID or password and the Service.

(2) When a User does not pay a charge by the prescribed date.

(3) When seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, compulsory execution, bankruptcy, or civil regeneration is petitioned against a User, or a User declares such state.

(4) When a User enters an incorrect password more than the number of times specified by the Company.

(5) When a User does not use the Service within the period specified by the Company.

(6) When a User has otherwise violated any of the Terms of Service or separate terms.

(7) When the Company otherwise deems a User to be disqualified as a User.

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend access to the Site at any time without assigning any reason. We shall not be liable to User or to any other party for any damages, losses, cost or expenses howsoever caused by or arising out of such termination or suspension.


The Services means the service where the Company will purchase a product or an item which a User will designate (the “Products”), via request form order, regarding products that sellers, online, offline or from our “Shop” section are selling to Users, or Products bought independtly by User and delivered to our Warehouse.

A) Buying Service 

The  Buying Service involves the Company’s purchasing of Products specified by a User in accordance with the User’s instructions. Therefore, the Company is responsible only for the purchase and delivery of a product specified by a User and is not responsible whatsoever for inquiries regarding the description of received Products, claims, defect liability, or other demands.

The Company will purchase the Products from the Seller on behalf of a User. The Company provides product ordering Buying services to Users to assist them to purchase merchandise from merchants who may or may not otherwise accept their payments. We are not a retailer or reseller of the merchandise ordered.

Only orders placed on the Site will be entertained and the Company do not accept any orders placed via telephone, e-mail or any out-of-site medium.

If User has selected the option to process incomplete orders, we will without notification, process the rest of the order. Otherwise, the entire order will be cancelled.

The Company do not accept any requests to amend or cancel orders placed using the Buying Service. All orders once placed are considered final.

The Company will take all reasonable care to place User’s orders correctly. Should there be any discrepancies User must bring them to our attention within three (3) business days of us sending User the merchant confirmation. After that, all errors are deemed to be accepted by User.

A User shall empower the Company to enter into carriage agreement with carriers affiliated with the Company in the name of such User and the Company will enter into such carriage agreement of the Products with such carrier in the name of the Company or such User. Unless the Company should be liable for damages in connection with such carriage, in no event shall the Company be liable for any damages incurred in such User in connection with such carriage, including but not limited to, non-delivery, delay of delivery, damages of delivered Products. A User shall empower the Company to enter into carriage agreement in the name of the Company or such User.

Sellers who are eligible to use the Service, carriers who can be used in conjunction with the Service, and product types, sizes, weights, prices, delivery destinations and other conditions allowed by the Service are restricted to the scope specified by the Company. A User may not use the Service outside the scope specified by the Company.

A User’s request for proxy purchase of Products shall be made in accordance with the method stipulated by the Company.

Only a User may request proxy purchase of Products. The Company will purchase the Products on behalf of a User by the method where the Company confirms application for a purchase from a User.

After a User requests proxy purchase of Products, the User may not cancel the request even if a proxy consignment contract has not yet been executed unless the Company gives its consent.

The Company may freely determine whether to agree to a request from a User.

In the event that there are redeemable points from the seller in the event of purchase, the Company retains possession of those points.

Regarding the handing over of products between the Company and the User, in principle it is completed when the Products are shipped from the Company.

A User shall bear costs for purchase of the Products by the Company on behalf of such User and costs of delivery of the Products (collectively the “Payments of the Products”) and the Company will bear rest of the expenses of the Products. Payments of the Products may include delivery charge of the Products from the Seller to the Company, expenses in connection with purchase of the Products including remittance charge to the Seller, Korean Taxes applicable to the Products and custom duties in the place of destination, charges for using the Service and costs for foreign delivery. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company will apply delivery charge applicable to the delivery from a Seller to the Company in accordance with the delivery charges as set forth in the service page of the Company as a rule and a User agrees that the Company may choose the delivery of the lowest cost out of the charges shown by the Seller.

A User shall pay the charge indicated by the Service to the Company at the time of proxy purchase of Products. The Company may change the Service’s usage charge without prior notification.

If the Company fails to purchase a requested product due to shortage of it, the Company shall claim the amount calculated by subtracting the said product price from the charge indicated by the Service against the User. 

A User shall pay the purchase price in accordance with the method stipulated by the Company by the date stipulated by the Company.

If a User does not pay the product price, the User shall pay to the Company a late payment charge calculated at 14.6 percent per annum.

A User may not transfer to a third party, offer for security, or in any other way dispose of any right provided under the contract with the Company.

If a User does not pay the Product Price by the date stipulated by the Company, the Company may cancel the contract without notice. Even if the Company cancels the contract, the Company may claim compensation from the User for resulting loss.

If the Company cancels the contract after purchase of Products, the Company will not refund the product price to the User.

If a User refuses to take receipt of Products, the Company may at its discretion sell, discard, return, or otherwise dispose of the Products received from the Seller and the User may not make any objection whatsoever.

B) Warehouse Service 

 Upon successful registration, User shall be allocated a Korean address which the User may then provide to merchants as a delivery address when purchasing Products. Such Products are to be subsequently delivered by us to the address designated by the User.

User authorize the Company to accept delivery of Products at the Korean Delivery Address on their behalf and appoint us as your freight agent to ship the Products to the shipping Address in accordance with these Terms.

The Company has the right to open and inspect a Shipment without prior notice to User.

Notwithstanding any provisions herein, the Company reserves the right at all times to decline or refuse to accept delivery of any purchase or Shipment or consolidation or return of any Products as we deem appropriate in our absolute discretion and without attributing any reason thereto.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, we reserve the right to discard and/ or dispose of the Products delivered to the Korean Delivery Address in any manner we deem fit without being liable to the User, if we are unable to process delivery of the Shipment ninety (90) days of the Product(s) being received at the Korean Delivery Address, for any reason.

C) On-Site Shop

The on-site shops is used by our company as a medium to showcase what is possible to purchase or items often pre-ordered by our clients to facilitate the buying process. In no way Sunbaeshop is a retailer or merchant of these Products and they will be purchased through its official selling channels under your name. 

All rules and conditions applied on Section 2, Part 1-A of these terms apply to the products purchased on the Shop.

A few products from the Shop may be products that the Company is personally selling or reselling second hand to clear stock. Other than these Products, the Company is not responsible whatsoever for inquiries regarding the description of received Products, claims, defect liability, or other demands.

D) Storage 

The Company charges no storage fees to Users for the period of 30 calendar days after the purchased in connection with the Services is delivered to ZenMarket.

If, however, aforesaid storage period exceeds 30 days, the respective User shall pay storage fee of 0,25$ per day for every package.

In case aforesaid section is applicable, the respective User shall pay a storage fee prior to the Company’s dispatch of such Products for which a storage fee has incurred.

4 If the Company’s storing period of any Purchases in connection with the Services exceeds 180 calendar days after its delivery to the Company Warehouse, the respective User shall lose all rights on the purchase of such Products.

E) Shipping

The Company may perform any of the following activities on User’s behalf: 

1) Complete any documents, amend product or service codes, and pay any duties or taxes required under applicable laws and regulations (if applicable); and/ or Act as User’s freight agent for the performance of customs clearance and preparation of shipping documents. Item declaration amount will be based on the merchant invoice of the package. The merchant invoice will be used as supporting documentation unless User has chosen in his Package Consolidation form to modify these information.

(2) All shipping addresses once confirmed on the Site are final and may not be varied.

(3) User agrees to routing and diversion of the Shipment, including the possibility that the Shipment may be carried via intermediate stopping places.

(4) User acknowledges and agrees that the services do not include customs or taxes (except where clearly stated) and that we are not a customs agent or broker. We are solely responsible for the export and import of its packages and shipments. The user is solely responsible for the payment of any and all customs, duties, tariffs, taxes, or other charges or fees of any nature relating to the shipment.

(5) In the situation of an altered package declaration amount modification, user holds all responsibility of this action and 

Packages will be delivered to the Shipping Address, but not necessarily to the named recipient personally. Shipments to addresses with a central receiving area will be delivered to that area.

Unless otherwise stipulated herein in respect of the schedule for the provision of Products, The Company shall take necessary measures to deliver the goods within 15 days from the date of shipping request by a User such as customized production or packaging. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that The Company has received the whole or the part of the payment for the goods, such measures shall be taken within 7 business days from the date of receipt of the payment. At that time, The Company shall take necessary measures to make the User check the procedures of provision of the Products and delivery process.

The Company shall specify, for the Products purchased by a User, the delivery method, payer of delivery fees by method, period of delivery by method, et cetera. In the event that The Company exceeds the designated period of delivery, it shall compensate for damages to the User. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this shall not apply if The Company proves that such event is not caused by its intention or negligence.

The Company does not guarantee delivery of packages which do not comply with the import or export regulations of the country to which they are delivered to.

If the recipient refuses delivery or the Shipment is deemed to be unacceptable, or it has been undervalued, or the recipient cannot be reasonably identified or located, or User or the recipient does not respond or reply to emails requesting for payment of custom duties, freight charges or handlings prior to the uplift or delivery of the Shipment, we shall use reasonable efforts to return the Shipment to the merchant at User’s cost, failing which the Shipment may be released, disposed of or sold by us without incurring any liability whatsoever to User or anyone else, with the proceeds applied against service charges and related administrative costs and the balance of the proceeds of sale, if any, to be returned to User.

 F) Additional Services

 The Company provides a repack and Packaging Consolidation service for packages which are deemed suitable for repacking. There is no Package Consolidation Fees but there is a repackaging fee 

For packages selected to be repacked or for shipments which includes packages which are selected for repack, an additional 1-2 business days will be added to the delivery timing of the entire shipment containing the package.

The User accepts that repacking and package forwarding may void the return policy of a merchant.

A) Prohibited Products

A User must not use the Service for the following products:

(1) Cash, checks, drafts, stock certificates and other negotiable securities (including tradable coupons such as flight tickets).

(2) Cards such as credit cards and cash cards.

(3) Savings account books or saving account withdrawal cards issued by a financial institution.

(4) Personal correspondence or other means of communication defined as personal correspondence by existing laws.

(5) Live animals or plants, dead animals or stuffed animals.

(6) Human bodies or body parts, human remains, ashes of the deceased, or Buddhist mortuary tablets.

(7) Drinks, or any other item that may easily deteriorate or spoil.

(8) Stimulants, cannabis, narcotics, psychotropic drugs, or other banned drugs.

(9) Firearms, swords, weapons, ordnance, gunpowder, explosives, poisons, and hazardous substances

(10) Medical supplies and medical equipment.

(11) Child pornography, adult videos, or other obscene material.

(12) Items obtained by an illegal method or means.

(13) Items whose transportation, export, and import is prohibited or restricted by laws and ordinances of the exporting/importing country including transit countries, the state or local government.

(14) Other items that are not permitted to be handled under the carrier’s carriage contract.

(15) Other items that the Company deems to be unsuitable.

B) Disposal of Products That Cannot Be Handed Over

The Company may, after taking receipt of the Products stipulated in Part 2-A, at its own discretion sell, discard, return, or otherwise dispose of the said Products

When a situation described in Part 2-C-I (excluding points 1 and 8; the same applies) exists and the Company has already taken receipt of the Products, the Company shall hold the said Products for a period of 30 days from the date of receipt.

If the User resolves all situations described in Part 2-C-I within the period mentioned in the earlier paragraph, the User may instruct the Company to dispatch the Products to the User’s address or forward it by a method expressly approved by the Company.

If the User does not resolve all situations described in Part 2-C-I, and want to discard the Products within the period stipulated, the Company may sell or otherwise dispose of the said Products.

Even if the User suffers loss as a result of the disposal of the products described in this Article, the Company shall bear no responsibility whatsoever.

Notwithstanding the stipulations of this Article, the Company may take the procedures defined in the Civil Execution Act.

C) Modifications or Difficulties to Provide the Service

I)Refusal to Provide the Service

In the case that a situation described below arises or is likely to arise, the Company may refuse to provide the Service even if the Company has already agreed to provide the Service.

(1) When the product is a product stipulated in Part 2-A.

(2) When the whereabouts of the User or the address to which the products are to be dispatched cannot be verified.

(3) When the carrier does not transport the products.

(4) When products are halted at customs.

(5) When the User does not pay the purchase cost etc.

(6) When it is found that the purchase cost or other sale conditions stated by the Company or the Seller contain an obvious error.

(7) When the Company deems that the Products for which the User has requested a proxy purchase will be difficult to obtain.

(8) When the User does not pay the Product Price by the date specified by the Company.

(9) When the User does not take receipt of the Products by the date nominated by the Company.

(10) When the User has violated the Terms of Service.

(11) When any other act that the Company deems inappropriate has been committed.

II) Modification and Abolition of Service Details

The Company may at any time change or abolish details of the Service without prior notice. Even if a User suffers a disadvantage or loss as a result of the said change or abolition, the Company shall not bear any responsibility therefor.

III) Suspension or Discontinuation of the Service

If the Company finds itself in any of the following situations, the Company will in some cases temporarily suspend or discontinue the whole or part of the Service without giving any prior notice to Members.

(1) When undertaking a maintenance inspection or upgrade of the equipment or system for providing the Service.

(2) When it is difficult to provide the Service owing to a fire, power failure, natural disaster, or system failure etc.

(3) When necessary services are not provided by telecommunications corporations.

(4) When the Company otherwise deems the temporary suspension or the discontinuation of the Service to be necessary.

The Company bears no responsibility whatsoever for any and all loss suffered by a User as a result of the temporary suspension or the discontinuation of the provision of the Service.

After the Products have arrived at the Company warehouse, the Company shall inspect the Products with the aim of checking the contents. At this time, the Company will on occasion remove or add packaging as the Company deems necessary. However, the Company bears no obligation to carry out an inspection and the result of the inspection does not guarantee the quality of the product, presence/absence of defects, or authenticity of the product or that the said product does not violate the relevant laws or ordinances of the originating country, transit countries or destination country. Additionally, Products are received and inspected by the Company, so it is not possible to send directly from the seller to a User designated place.

This said process involves verification of the identity of the Products that is, that there is no apparent discrepancy between the Products and the description of the Products (the “Product Description”) stated by the Seller. The Product Description refers only to text written by the Seller and does not include the output of automatic translation.

As a rule, the Company cannot conduct verification of details that were not included in the Product Description, verification that requires specialist product knowledge such as brand authenticity, verification of the quantity and condition of more than 25 contents contained in a single product, verification that involves disassembly or assembly of the product, verification that involves opening the packaging or breaking the seal, verification of the operation of appliances, or verification of the contents of a recorded medium such as a CD etc.

The result of the said process does not guarantee the quality of the said Products, presence/absence of defects, or authenticity of the product, that the said product does not violate the relevant laws or ordinances of the originating country, transit countries or destination country, proper operation, or absence of damage.

If the product inspection described earlier detects an item that violates or is likely to violate the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds or other laws and ordinances, the Company may take action to report such situation to the police or other relevant government agency and hand over the Products.

Even if the result of the verification process finds that a User has been defrauded, the Company does not bear any responsibility whatsoever except for actions that come under the Company’s responsibility.

After the completion of the verification process, the Company carries out procedures for dispatching or exporting the Products overseas on behalf of the User. Additionally, the countries that the User can choose as a shipping address is limited to the Available Shipping Countries decided on by the Company, as well as Korean domestic addresses. The Company may, at its discretion, determine the delivery method, international delivery charge, and other expenses such as the shipping cost and handling cost required for delivery of the Products according to the weight and size of the Products tabulated during the verification process. The Company shall at its discretion nominate a handover date for the Products, and the User may not specify a delivery date.

The Company shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever for information relating to export and import, such as the product name, product price and product quantity etc. written on the invoice, or for the tariff amount incurred on the basis of the said information, or measures such as import bans imposed by the destination country. The User shall be liable for and pay all tariffs incurred upon the import of the Products and taxes levied by the destination country.

Depending on the delivery conditions selected by the User, the Company may forecast the delivery method, international shipping fee and other shipping related fees the delivery of the Products. (hereinafter referred to as the “Shipping Charges”) based on the past experiences and know-how cultivated by the Company according to the weight, size, material, and other conditions of the Products. In this event, the User shall agree in advance that the Shipping Charges and other costs set by the Company is an approximate amount and may fluctuate. The User shall agree in advance that even if the actual shipping fee differs to the Company’s estimations, refunds will not be accepted. The Company shall not be obliged to disclose the expense details or the existence of such expense to the User.

A User may not change the delivery destination of the Products unless the User submits an application using the form prescribed by the Company.

When the Company receives a request from a User for proxy purchase of Products, the Company purchases the Products from the Seller on behalf of the User. Therefore, a User cannot cancel a request for proxy purchase at its own convenience even if this contract has not yet been executed unless the Company gives its consent; nor can a User cancel this contract after the contract has been executed unless the Company gives its consent.

If the Company finds itself in any of the following situations, the Company may cancel purchase of the Products for the User.

(1) When the Company is requested by the Seller of the Products to cancel the purchase contract.

(2) When the Products do not arrive at the Company from the Seller of the Products within 30 days of the date on which the order is placed with the Seller except for cases where the Product Description or other notification indicates in advance that delivery of the product will take more time, such as in the case of pre-ordered products or products produced following receipt of an order.

The User hereby acknowledges that if, as a result of the verification process prescribed earlier, the Company finds that the actual Products clearly differ from the details in the Product Description that the Seller gave on the Online Shopping Sites, or if a situation described in the Part 4 arises, the Company will negotiate with the Seller of the Products on behalf of the User for the return of the Products and a refund. The Company shall refund to the User the amount of the refund that the Company receives from the Seller as a result of the said negotiations. However, the Company does not guarantee the result of negotiations to the User.

If the Products are returned to the Seller, the User must bear the operational expense of returning the Products as well as the actual cost of sending the Products

General Conditions

The User agree to comply with our security verification process.

 You agree to comply at all times with these Terms and all applicable domestic and international laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations.

 You represent and warrant that all information provided to us will be accurate and complete.

You acknowledge that you have been provided with the various usage plans detailing the service features, and all other fees applicable to the usage plan offered by us. You agree to pay all fees associated with the respective plans once you have chosen the plan of choice.

Prices for our products are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time and shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the Service.

While we will use reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on the Site, we make no warranties or representations as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any information found on the Site.

We do not warrant that this Site will always be accessible, uninterrupted, timely, error free or free from computer viruses or other invasive or damaging code or that this website will not be affected by any inability to obtain or shortage of necessary materials, equipment facilities, power or telecommunications, lack of telecommunications equipment or facilities and failure of information technology or telecommunications equipment or facilities.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.

You understand that your content (not including credit card information), may be transferred unencrypted and involve (a) transmissions over various networks; and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. Credit card information is always encrypted during transfer over networks.

You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service or any contact on the website through which the service is provided, without express written permission by us.

The headings used in this agreement are included for convenience only and will not limit or otherwise affect these Terms.

The Company may provide you with access to third-party tools over which we neither monitor nor have any control nor input.

The User acknowledge and agree that we provide access to such tools ”as is” and “as available” without any warranties, representations or conditions of any kind and without any endorsement. We shall have no liability whatsoever arising from or relating to your use of optional third-party tools.

Any use by User of optional tools offered through the site is entirely at your own risk and discretion and you should ensure that you are familiar with and approve of the terms on which tools are provided by the relevant third-party provider(s).

The Company may also, in the future, offer new services and/or features through the website (including, the release of new tools and resources). Such new features and/or services shall also be subject to these Terms of Service.

You agree that all charges and fees associated with an account are your sole responsibility.

Use may use our Services for a nominal fee. Buying Service places the order for you, according to the instructions you provide, and pays for the purchase on your behalf. The following conditions apply to all Buying Service orders:

(1) The instructions User give us in the Buying Order Form must specify the exact product description (including price, quantity, color, size, merchant’s reference code, etc.) and any discount codes you believe may apply.

(2) A Buying Service order cannot be changed or cancelled once it has been placed. In placing an order with the Company, you are contracting Sunbaeshop to make purchases on your behalf on a non-refundable basis. 

(3) The Company will not place (or will cancel) a Buying Service order if you do not supply sufficient information; or if it includes any Prohibited Item; or any item in the order is out-of-stock; or the total price (including any applicable local tax and domestic shipping charges) is higher than the amount you have authorized.

(4) A User purchase of a product through our Buying Service is a transaction solely between the User and the merchant, even though we assist you by placing your order and making payment on your behalf. The Company makes no representations, warranties or guarantees regarding the quality or suitability of the products you order through the Buying Service. The Company is not responsible if the merchant fails to fulfill the order, ships the wrong product, does not apply any discount code the User specified, or any other failure of the product to meet your expectations and User will hold Sunbaeshop harmless from any liability. 

The method of payment for a product or service purchased through the Site may be selected among the following items. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may not collect any additional fees on the amount of the product or service.

(1) Account transfer, e.g. internet banking, TransferWise banking which valid for international transfer

(2) card payment, e.g. prepaid card, debit card, credit card, through Alipay, Paypal or other similar methods( no direct cards payment allowed)

(3) Online non-bankbook deposit;

(4) Gift voucher contracted or approved by the Company

(5) Website Miles

While using the Service, a User shall not commit any act that comes under or is likely to come under any of the following descriptions.

(1) An act that uses the Service for an illegal purpose.

(2) An act that infringes any trademark right, copyright, design right, patent right or other intellectual property right, image right, publicity right or other right of the Company or other third party.

(3) An act that leads to a criminal offence such as fraud.

(4) An act that uses the Service to impersonate a third party.

(5) An act that illegally uses the Company’s or other third party’s equipment or obstructs operation of such equipment.

(6) An act that violates laws and ordinances, the Terms of Service or separate terms, or public order and morals.

(7) An act that obstructs operation of the Service.

(8) Any other act that the Company deems inappropriate.

If the Company suffers any kind of loss as a result of a User’s violation of the Terms of Service or separate terms, the Company may claim compensation for loss from the said User.

The Company does not guarantee that the Products for which a User has requested the Company to make a proxy purchase can be purchased on Online or Offline Shopping Sites.

Apart from operating the following domains, the Company does not operate sites that a User may access via an advertisement or link appearing on the service site. Therefore, the Company bears no responsibility whatsoever for loss suffered by a User as a result of using any site other than the service site www.sunbaeshop.com. 

The Company bears no responsibility for the content of information clearly provided by a party other than the Company within the information that is provided on the service site.

If a User has used the computer system available on the service site to translate information, the Company bears no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy and content of such translations.

If a User suffers loss as the result of a situation attributable to the Company in relation with Products for which the User requested the Company to make a proxy purchase, the Company shall compensate only for direct loss.

The Company does not guarantee that Members will not suffer loss from a computer virus or other harmful program when using the service site.

The Company does not guarantee in any way the operation of any equipment or software used by Members when using the Service.

The Company is not liable for any communication costs incurred through a User’s use of the Service.

The Company will not under any circumstances compensate for a User’s lost earnings, indirect loss, special damage, legal fees or any other loss not stipulated above.

The Company shall reflect the reasonable opinion or complaint made by User, and install and operate an organization for dealing with compensation for damages.

The Company shall give priority to any opinion or complaint made by User. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that it may not promptly deal with the matter, The Company shall notify the User with the cause and the schedule to make the treatment done.

In the event that there is any application for remedy by a User regarding the dispute raised between The Company and the User, the matter may be treated in accordance with the settlement of the Fair Trade Commission or the arbitration commissioned by the Mayor or the jurisdiction.

All notices shall be given by postal mail to Sunbaeshop Attn: Legal Dept. Sunbaeshop Company #819 14, Dogok-ro 1-gil, Gangnam-gu 06253 Seoul, South Korea or to the email address provided by User during the registration process (in User’s case). Notice shall be deemed given 24 hours after email is sent, unless the Company is notified that the email address is invalid. Alternatively, The Company may give you notice by certified mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, to the address provided to us during the registration process. In such cases, notices shall be deemed given 3 days after the date of mailing.

Whilst the Site may be accessed by User in different countries, the laws of the Republic of Korea, without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof, will apply to these Terms. All disputes arising from the use of the Site or the Services shall be resolved by arbitration in Korea in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The Tribunal shall comprise one arbitrator to be appointed by the Chairman of the KCAB.

The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision shall not affect any other part of these Terms.

The Company is not liable for any delays, loss or damage arising out of circumstances beyond our control including but not limited to any act or omission by a person not employed or contracted by us; Acts of God e.g. earthquake, cyclone, storm, flood, fog; “Force Majeure” e.g. war, plane crash or embargo; riot or civil commotion; industrial action; and electrical or magnetic damage to, or erasure of, electronic or photographic images, data or recordings.